A company is only as strong as the team that runs it. We'd like to
present the group that makes up Green Llama.

Kay Baker.
Kay is a talented pediatric Ocupational Therapist and has done some wonderful work in this field. She grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and she maintains strong ties and connections to the area. That being said, she is a world traveler, having lived a year in Spain as well as Peru and Columbia. She lived in Colorado a number of years before settling in Asheville, NC where she met Matt. The two of them went on to form the backbone of Green Llama. You can read more about Kay right.

Dr. Matt Keasey Ph.D
Matt, despite being an academic, is light hearted and enjoys cake. Chocolate is one of his preferred foods.
Matt grew up in in the West Midlands of England, in a town called Sedgley. To earn some pocket money as a teenager, Matt helped the milkman every Saturday. Delivering Milk in glass bottles and collecting the empties. How sustainable, Matt thought. This experience formed the basis of what Green Llama is today.
He went on to do a Ph.D in Molecular Neuroscience at the University of Bristol in the UK, before spending several years as a post doctoral research associate in the USA and then Brazil.
Eventually, Matt settled in Johnson City, TN where he worked as a professor. However, his earlier experiences led him to diverge in his career.
Learn more about his story.
"Creating sustainable home
cleaning and hygiene products
that don't compromise our health
or the environment"

Mike Peterknecht
Mike is highly intuitive, open and disciplined. He grew up in Erfurt, Germany and has established himself as an exceptional business manager. Naturally, Matt and Kay were highly enthusiastic to bring him tightly into the Green Llama team.
Check out the full story about Mike.
"We wish to express a sense of
practical achievement to anyone
who buys Green Llama and our company
by contributing to environmental protection
through eliminating plastic and
ecologically friendly products"

Working smart.
We are always looking to grow. We went from hand mixing our formulas to using kitchen aid type mixers. These made quite a bit of mess. Eventually, we were able to buy "Lady Mixalot". Seen here in the background with Matt, Lady Mixalot is a robbon mixer that has really helped take some of the person hours out of the mixing and formulation process.
Authentic, honest and,
frequently, quirky ;-)